Everyone loves dinosaur fights. All the best dinosaur films
have them. What’s better than big, bizarre prehistoric creatures? When they
duke it out! They can be violent, they can be bloody, but they’re always
exciting. The very first would be the
Ghost of Slumber mountain, where two Triceratops duel and one of them is then
killed by a Tyrannosaurus in a fight. The last would be the
Pachyrhinosaurus-Gorgosaurus brawl at the climax of Walking With
Dinosaurs. Hopefully this year’s
Jurassic World will have the decency of giving us one. Most of these fights are wildly anachronistic
between supersized versions, and some of them involve animals that are not
dinosaurs or even real animals, but it gives that element of fantasy that
dinosaurs invoke by their very prescence. This list is entirely subjective, so
I’ll leave a long list of runners up first-
Ceratosaurus vs Megatherium (1948)-the only memorable scene
of the otherwise awful Unknown
Island (review coming
this year) was Crash Corrigan in his modified gorilla suit (given claws and
fangs and painted red) killing a suitmation Ceratosaurus in the climax. Not only are these seldom-seen species on the
big screen, and is unintentionally hilarious, but the novelty and uniqueness of
this battle makes it worthy of a mention
Ceratosaurus vs Stegosaurus (1955)-the otherwise
kid-friendly Journey to the Beginning of Time features a clash between these
two contemporary dinosaurs witnessed by the child protagonists. They mortally
wound each other, a common outcome in real fights between animals (and between
people). The animals are depicted by very-good-for-Soviet-Czechoslovkian
stop-motion, the choreography is clumsy, and the scene is right out of a Zdenek
Burian painting.
Godzilla vs Rodan (1964 and 1993) While Godzilla’s fights
with Rodan in 1964’s Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster and 1993’s Godzilla vs
Mechagodzilla 2 are not the climactic battles of the films, they’re
well-choreographed, well-shot and beautifully scored. Even in terms of
Godzilla’s many, many battles, or suitimation fights in general, they’re
excellent. The first ends in a draw, as Godzilla finally meets his match and
Mothra intervenes to force reconciliation. The fight is somewhat played for
laughs, with pratfalls, boulder volleyball, and the monsters even arguing and
laughing at each other. The second is
more violent and serious, as in most of the Heisei era films-Godzilla and Rodan
fight over a prehistoric egg, and Godzilla strangles, then blasts Rodan with
his atomic fire ray. It’s still just as exciting and done with more up-to-date
Godzilla vs Titanosaurus (1975). Titanosaurus is the last
Toho kaiju based on a dinosaur, and actually proves to be a worth opponent. In
one of Godzilla’s best entrances, he shows down with Titanosaurus in Tokyo at midnight, but the
brawl ends with Titanosaurus’ control being lost and the dinosaur fleeing back
to the sea with Godzilla in pursuit. Their rematch is a spectacular two-on-one
where Titanosaurus and Mechagodzilla (Godzilla’s robot counterpart in his
second film) nearly kill Godzilla. With the help of INTERPOL scientists and
agents, humans intervene and Titanosaurus is badly wounded and chased off.
Tyrannosaurus vs Monoclonius (1984) Prehistoric Beast was a
stop-motion animated project by animator Phil Tippet (responsible for the stop
motion in the Star Wars films, Dragonslayer, Robocop, Howard the Duck, and was
involved in Jurassic Park). This prehistoric thriller showed a Monoclonius (now
recognized as a species of Centrosaurus) being hunted and killed by a
Tyrannosaurus (of course) in a deadly battle. The set, models, direction and
animation are excellent. The animation proved so impressive Tippet was hired to
expand his dinosaur short with the help of his coworkers Tom St. Amand and
Randal Dutra for the documentary “Dinosaur” in 1985
Tyrannosaurus vs Velociraptor (1993) The Deus Rex Machina
ending of Jurassic
Park featured the
featured Tyrannosaurus killing the villainous “Velociraptors” to inadvertently
save our heroes. The fight is one-sided and over in seconds-both dromeosaurs
are easily dispatched by the giant alpha predator, but it’s spectacular and a
suitable climax for the film.
Utahraptor vs Acrocanthosaurus and Utahraptor vs Deinonychus
(1995) Representing literature is Raptor Red, Dr. Robert Bakker’s excellent
piece of paleofiction. The titular Utahraptor engages in two dramatic fights-she
saves her sister’s offspring by luring a giant Acrocanthosaurus into the jaws
of a Kronosaurus midway through the film. The climax of the book is when Raptor
Red defends the corpse of her sister from a gang of Deinonychus. She is
crippled and starving, but with the timely assistance of her mate and niece,
they kill the leader of the pack and drive them off.
Kron, Neera, and Aladar (Iguanodon) vs Carnotaurus (1999)
I’ve already discussed Disney’s Dinosaur film, but I admit the ending battle is
well-choreographed (considering Disney’s aversion to their heroes killing the
villain), well shot, and well-scored.
Tyrannosaurus vs Spinosaurus (2003) In the horrible Jurassic
Park 3, the most debated dinosaur fight in history started the film. Eager to
prop up the new villain of Spinosaurus (because bigger=better), they had it
kill an iconic Tyrannosaurus as its introduction. The fight is fun to watch
except for the ending, which removes it from the list. There’s a childlike love
of dinosaur fights, but also a childish insistence to promote the new brand
over the classic. It’s akin to breaking a child’s toy to make them play with a
new one. My stance? Spinosaurus’ anatomy is not suited for fighting dinosaurs
more than half its size, and
Tyrannosaurus was a predator adapted to kill huge, powerful, dangerous prey, so
the size difference isn’t enough to make Spinosaurus the victor. Unless they
were fighting in the water, I suppose.
Tyrannosaurus vs Triceratops (2005) One of my favorite
documentaries (to be reviewed this year) is the two-episode series The Truth
About Killer Dinosaurs, in which Bill Odie hosts scientific investigation about
these hypothetical dinosaur battles. Unlike most documentaries which have the
fight as part of the narrative, the documentary actually discusses the
mechanics of the fight. If I had paleontologists and a great deal of resources
at my beck and call, I would have something like this instead of my current
dinosaur battle series. The final segment shows an outcome of the battle suggested
by a Triceratops fossil with its horn missing, in which the herbivore loses a
horn but kills the tyrant dinosaur.
Utahraptor vs Gastonia,
Arctodus vs Panthera (2008) I’ve already discussed Jurassic Fight Club, so I’ll
include my two favorite episodes from it-the Cedar
Mountain and Natural Trap
Cave fights. They’re just
better choreographed, longer, more even, and more plausible than the other
fights in this series.
Scowler, Patchi, and Juniper (Pachyrhinosaurus) vs Gorgon
and family (Gorgosaurus) (2014) I’ve discussed this movie, and the ending is
one of the better part. Instead of taking revenge on Scowler, Patchi charges
the Gorgosaurs attacking him and with the help of his brother and his mate, he
drives them off. It’s cliché, it’s stock, but it’s a nice little action
Those were just the runners up. Without further ado, here
are the top ten (in chronology) dinosaur fights!
Icthyosaurus vs Plesiosaurus (1864) The very first
prehistoric fight in fiction was in Jules Verne’s groundbreaking novel “Voyage
Dans Las Centre de la Terre”. Professor Lindenbrock, his nephew Axel, and their
guide Hans encounter a central sea in their title journey. In that sea they
witness a Plesiosaurus fight an Icthyosaurus. The animals have ludicrous sizes
and anatomy, but it’s still exciting and well-explained. Verne is a great writer, and the clash is
epic in its size despite having little to do with the plot. The Icthyosaurus
kills the Plesiosaurus, but neither is seen again. The reason I counted this one that while no
dinosaurs were involved, it set the stage. Icthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus were
much more popular than the dinosaurs until late in the 19th century,
so if it had been written later, dinosaurs would have taken their role.
Allosaurus vs Anatosaurus, Allosaurus vs Triceratops,
Allosaurus vs Agathaumas, Tyrannosaurus vs Agathaumas, Allosaurus vs
brontosaurus (1925). The first dinosaur blockbuster was the 1925 Lost World.
I’ve discussed this film before, but I think the sheer number and variety of
dinosaurs puts this film on the map. I couldn’t decide on a single fight, but
the cumulative action sequences are still strong. The villainous Allosaurus
makes his debut killing a Trachodon at the edge of a cliff, then proceeds to
threaten our heroes. He is driven off by a torch, then attacks a Triceratops
family. The mother Triceratops gores him and chases him off, and he finally
meets his end attacking an Agauthamas. Said Agauthamas is in turn brought down
by a Tyrannosaurus. Finally, another Allosaurus battles a Brontosaurus, and the
latter falls off a cliff to later be captured and brought to London. It’s very violent and fast-paced,
making dinosaurs start off with excitement.
King Kong vs Tyrannosaurus (1933). King Kong is my candidate
for the greatest movie ever made, and one of the highlights is the fight with
Tyrannosaurus. Kong first debuts his heroism by saving Anne Darrow from a
Tyrannosaurus. Willis O’brien’s animation is beautiful, as both creatures show
personality, intelligence, and activity in the fight. Kong boxes and wrestles,
and the combatants are always moving, always active. Kong’s victory is
thrilling as he outmaneuvers the dinosaur, jumps on its back, pulls its head to
the ground, and finally breaks his jaw. It’s one of the best movie scenes ever.
Tegu vs Baby Alligator(19040) In the original One Million
BC, the lead couple Tumak and Loana are separated by a fight between their
prehistoric neighbors. They’re not identified by name as everyone speaks
“Caveman”, but I suppose they’re intended to be dinosaurs. The tegu is
unadorned but the alligator sports a fin on its back to resemble a Dimetrodon.
I guess considering the limitations and ignoring the animal cruelty, it’s still
a visually exciting fight. It proved so successful that something like 20 films
have used this fight as footage, so you have to give it at least that much
Tyrannosaurus vs Stegosaurus (1940) I’ve already talked
about this sequence-the animation and music are amazing, and it’s the high point of the movie for
me. Not much to say about it. It’s a
beautiful scene and as iconic as Mickey commanding the stars or Chernabog
summoning the minions of hell. The Stegosaurus’ death traumatized many
children, including me, and that Tyrannosaur haunts all our dreams.
Godzilla vs Anguirus. (1955) This is the first Godzilla
fight ever, so it’s appropriate that it’s between two dinosaurs. Haruo Nakajima
and Katsumi Tezuka, even in their heavy suits, fight animalistically, and the
footage was sped up by director Motoyoshi Oda to give it a more frenetic feel.
It’s a very exciting fight, a complete departure from the martial arts of the
70s films and the slo-motion beam shootouts of the 90s. Godzilla doesn’t punch
out his enemy or blast him with his ray to kill him-he bites Anguirus on the
neck as they grapple, and eventually breaks it with his jaws and teeth. It’s
brutal and very natural, again a complete contrast to later fights
Triceratops vs Ceratosaurus (1966) Very few remakes
completely outclass the original, but One Million Years BC is one of them. Only one giant lizard and spider appear-the
rest are animals in complete stop motion. Instead of Tumak and Loana being
separated by two enlarged reptiles, they encounter a Triceratops and a
Ceratosaurus. The two animals clash in the rocky desert (filmed in the Canary Islands), grappling, dodging, swishing their tails
and snapping their jaws. The stop-motion is excellent and allows for careful
choreography as they struggle to bring each other down. The Triceratop’s
impalement of the Ceratosaurus is one of the few victories for the genus in
Gwangi vs Styracosaurus (1969). Valley
of Gwangi is a sadly
forgotten film, despite an original setting and plot. The human characters are
weak, cliché, and often prone to Western sexist and racist tropes, but Gwangi
is the dinosaur version of King Kong.
Again, I plan to review this later this year, but it features an
excellent battle between Gwangi and a Styracosaurus. Harryhausen originally planned
Triceratops to be the antagonist, but since he had done Triceratops just 3
years earlier he decapitated his Triceratops model and placed on the
distinctive skull of Styracosaurus. Like Kong, Gwangi shows his might
overcoming the ceratopsian (with humans assisting, as they want Gwangi alive)
in an exciting sequence coming in between several more Gwangi setpieces.
Littlefoot’s mother vs Sharptooth (1988) In this Don Bluth
cartoon classic, the heart-wrenching death of the baby hero’s mother is
preceded by her mortal wounding. The villain of the piece, the Tyrannosaur
Sharptooth, first appears as a shadow as he attacks the heroic Apatosaurus
hatchling Littlefoot and his Triceratops friend Cera. The children are rescued
by his mother, and the resulting fight is brutal and violent for a children’s
film. The battle even takes place during an earthquake tearing apart the ground
as the sun sets. The sequence ends with Sharptooth falling into a chasm (later
to be slain by Littlefoot, Cera, and their friends in the film’s climax) and
Littlefoot’s mother mortally wounded. It’s a dinosaur fight not only awesome to
behold, but with emotional resonance, tragedy, and between actual characters,
not just monsters.
King Kong vs Vastatosaurus (2005) In the horrible 1976 King
Kong remake, the dinosaurs are removed from the story. Kong has a brief
unconvincing tussle with a giant snake instead, Rick Baker’s excellent suit
showing its weakness and the rubber snake looking very obviously fake. In 2005, a die hard King Kong fan finally
made his remake. Peter Jackson, a huge
fan of all the action sequences from the original, made them more elaborate for
his over-the-top love letter. So, for the Tyrannosaurus fight, he made all the
dinosaurs evolutions of the original species (called Vastatosaurus in the
literature) and had no less than three of them fighting Kong. He keeps the
original motion and energy of the original sequence as both dinosaurs and
gorilla are constantly in motion, Kong trying to protect himself and Ann Darrow
and always fighting with her in his hand. He crushes one with a giant rock,
then the fight moves out of the jungle off a cliff and into a thick tangle of
vines. In a three-dimensional battle, Kong kills another. The last pursues Anne
onto the plain nearby, but Kong comes to her rescue once again and finishes the
dinosaur off in the same way as the original fight. It’s the highlight of the
film, and the last great cinematic dinosaur battle in history.
Jurassic World, if we are lucky, will have good dinosaur
action scenes, and hopefully future dinosaur films, documentaries, literature
and art will keep these battles coming. For now, however, these ten sequences are
high points in the century of dinosaur films.
In my opinion As a paleontologist (25 years practice) These great ancient creatures Set the foundation For today's creatures As adaptation And evolution took Its course. The prehistoric skeleton is apparent In a variance of species todayNot to the extent of pre evolution But ratherPost evo Adapting to today'sLess competitive And aggressive Li predatorial species.
ReplyDeleteMore Stegosaurus...there is one you havent featured...its a stock motion dinosaur story featuring a lot of dinosaurs and Styracosaurus fifghting a fat T Rex. Also fire breathing Dimetrodon vs T Rex in Land of the Lost.
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ReplyDeleteI always felt the Ceratosaur's death scream sounded like Billy Idol at the ending of 'White Wedding'.
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